Saturday, January 19, 2013

Our House: Welcome to Our Bathroom

I noticed something really odd about myself tonight, and I am glad I did.  It gave  me a laugh.  I have not one, but two welcome signs in my hideous upstairs bathroom.  What am I thinking?!?!  Who puts a welcome sign in a nice bathroom?  Who puts a welcome sign in a scary bathroom?  Who puts a welcome sign in their upstairs bathroom where no guests will go?  Who puts TWO welcome signs in their eye sore of a bathroom that's upstairs where no guests will ever go?  ME!  That's who!  Our house was built in 1890 and I think our bathroom was put in right around the same time ;)  It is seriously outdated.  When we moved in there were other rooms that needed our attention first, and this bathroom was upstairs, so it was really for just our use, so it stayed as is.  It had old, worn out flooring,  peeling wallpaper, and terrible lighting.  Those few things we attempted to fix, but about now, ten years living in this house, and I am ready to run into the Bathroom Crasher from HGTV anytime.  We keep putting off any big redo because it will be severely inconvenient.  It has our only shower/tub, our laundry room is attached to it, and it is right next to our bedroom.  We would almost have to move out to do a proper makeover.  So Bathroom Crasher guy, come my way!  We have pink tile that surrounds the entire bathroom.  Can you imagine the mess in taking that out?  When I decided to take the wallpaper down and paint a few years ago, I got impatient and not only took the wallpaper off, but most of the top layer of the dry wall too.  Jamie loved me for that one!  A few years into living here we decided to do a short term redo of the old, grungy floor.  We bought the laminate, made an outline of the bathroom, and cut away!  We had this one in the bag, we nailed it.  Was going to look great!  Well, being new homeowners (and lets face it...just being generally stupid), we soon realized we traced the outline on the back of the new flooring instead of the front, so it was reverse of what it needed to be.  In it went anyway, while attempting to hide our incorrect cuts under garbage cans and hampers. The year of Anna Nicole's death trial (2007 I think), I decided to tear apart and clean the laundry room off the bathroom that February break, and since I was addicted to that trial by then, I just about demanded that I needed a TV in the bathroom while I worked so I didn't miss a thing... and then it would also be great for bath time and stuff (yep, I'm weird), like nice hotels have LOL.  So a TV went in. Funny, I don't feel like I am in a fancy hotel.  So here it is.  I refuse to show the whole, awful thing but you'll get the picture.  Please don't judge me ;)
The pink tile

TWO welcomes

The botched floor (although you can't tell here)
My favorite piece...the TV!



  1. What a riot !! If this is a preview if what we will be reading, I will be reading everyday. I love your style of writing :)

  2. I think the welcome signs must be Liz's influence. We have an ensuite bathroom off our bedroom and it's always the last room cleaned, cos it's furthest from the front door and least likely anyone else will see it. Needs work on the tiling, etc but too inconvenient to do. Having a house is a constant work in progress. So glad I found your blog.

  3. Funny how you find ways of living with things you don't like. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. We lived in a house like that but we didn't try to fix it and eventually we just moved rather than try to fix it LOL!

    Looking forward to reading your blog. As someone of a similar age, who just moved to rural Quebec, I am sure we will have some things in common:) Besides, it is nice to read something other than dog blogs (although I do love dog blogs!)

  5. Twelve years ago we built a new house. Having always lived in older homes consistently under repair, this was quite exciting. As we prepared to move in I spent tons of time looking at decorations, window dressings, etc. whatever would be needed to turn this into a beautiful home. Just prior to the actual move, I went to visit my mother in the midwest. While there I looked around her house, at all the mismatched stuff on the walls and dated decorating ideas. I told myself that I would NOT fall prey to that! Now that I am older and somewhat wiser, I realize she was right. The things in your home should bring you joy. Enjoy your welcome signs!

    Murphy's Mom

  6. Woof! Woof! Funny we are expecting an old TV. Mom says the bathroom is the easiest part of the house to fix ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. Not judging at all!!!! I was addicted to that trial as well and think the tv was an excellent addition...besides...looking at the just don't notice anything else!!! :) xo Jeanne
