Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another Birthday: Becky

When I started this blog I knew right off the bat that I wanted to somehow feature my friends through the year.  What better time to do that than on their birthdays?!  Funny thing is, three of them, including my own, are in February.  I guess all the GREATS are born in February!  :)  Anyway back to Becky.  I have known Becky for 27 years.  We joke about when we first met in 6th grade at Estee when we were both taken from the "average" group and placed into the "above average" group (that sounds so awful being a teacher now).  Being two new kids in a new set of classes, I guess we needed to stick together.  Through the rest of middle school and high school we remained friends and added several more close friends as the years went on.  Other than the years of growing closer to other friends and the bitter competitiveness of loving the New Kids on the Block (yes, we were very cool), we stayed friends through it all.  High school years brought lots of time spent in Johnstown, our parents' cars racking up lots of miles (loved the Dynasty best), working hours at Ponderosa, Obsessions and midnight trips to Kmart.  When college approached, low and behold, we both loved Plattsburgh!  We were sure to be roommates all four years.  I know, I know, we sound like we had no other friends, but we did, really!  All four years we lived in a suite setting so we actually had 6 other suite-mates.   The first year we became fast, close friends with one of our suite-mates, Cristina.  The three of us were inseparable that first year, and remained close for years to come.  College years came and went and we both settled into our "adult" lives once we graduated.  Becky is now teaching and married with an adorable little 2 1/2 year old and living a country life.  We have been through it all together...deaths, births, firsts of all kinds.  She was my maid of honor in my wedding I was a bridesmaid in hers.  We no longer take our midnight trips to Kmart together, but  she's still like the sister I never had.  Even approaching 40, I think we still act like those two 11 year olds that met back in 6th grade.  Happy Belated Birthday Becky!  So happy you will always get to our new age 2 weeks before me!  ;)

Real friends don't have to speak or see each other daily to remain in each others heart always ~Unknown  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stopping The Madness

This post is more of a vow of sorts.  It's a vow I am making for a healthier lifestyle.  I plan to set small goals over the next year to make my 38th year my 365 days of progress. Then next year I can celebrate turning 39 able to say I am a healthier me... mind, body and soul.  If I learned anything when I left my twenties and turned 30, it was that 30 was not the only hurdle, to my surprise.  I found 29 to be equally upsetting, if not worse than the actual big 3-0.  I was mourning for the last year of being in my twenties.  I was a miserable beast and do want a repeat performance next year, or I may lose all my friends!  So, this is why I am preparing this year for next.  I want to look 39 in the face and honestly be able to say I am in a better place than I was when I turned 38, so there is nothing to whine about.  Just carry on.  I know, I know, it's much easier to say than actually do.  That's where this blog post comes in.  I figure it's one more thing to help keep me accountable.  Jamie is coming along for this ride too, but he has had a jump start.  He got committed a while back, but still feels he has work to do.  So off we go!  Stay tuned...

The First Goal
Lose 10 pounds by March 15 
Start Oprah's 21 Day Meditation Challenge

The Plan
Weight Watchers (when done accurately, the best plan around)
30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week
Incorporate more veggies (not potatoes) into my diet
Limit red meats

Friday, February 8, 2013

ME Time and a Birthday

With barely a coating of snow on the ground, at 6:00am this morning the phone rang, with the joyous sound of a robotic voice telling me I had a SNOW DAY coming through the lines to my groggy ears.  This was a lovely start to my weekend.  Actually, last night was a lovely start to my weekend.  My friends and I had our monthly girls night and also had a birthday celebration for one of us.  Happy Birthday, Becky!  We had a delicious meal and always lots of laughs.  Now, while I type this tonight, the snow is flying and the ground is covered, and today was all about reconnecting to me :) Jamie was off to work and it was just the dogs and me!  Some of the things I accomplished (and still plan to accomplish), or maybe didn't accomplish (depending how you look at it) are:

* Getting back to sleep after Jamie left for work and staying asleep until 11:00am.
* Waking up at 11:00am but staying in bed watching TV until almost noon.
* Not showering or even getting out of my pajamas until 5:00pm, and even then only switching to sweats.
* Heading out (with a jacket over my pajamas) to drive through McDonald's for a Mocha Frappe.
* Playing around on the internet much of the day.
* Catching up with my DVR and watching The View and Days of Our Lives.
* Having Jamie bring home a pizza from Leonzo's.
* NOT wearing make up today.
* Watching this week's episode of the new Dallas in our new TV room (that show is so so good).
* Sipping a glass of wine.

Just maybe I will be ready for Monday.  Enjoy the snow, Friends! 

Happy Birthday!

"There is nothing as wonderful as being friends" ~Unknown

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thank You For The Love

It's officially the month of love!  There is no better time to think about all the reasons I am thankful for Jamie.  I know we are very lucky to have the relationship that we have....and since I am heading into my late 30's this month, Jamie should be properly thanked now, because the next few years are likely to be rough on him!  My random ten...

Jamie, thank you for:

*warming up and moving my car closer to the door on icy winter mornings so I won't slip in the driveway.  Maybe it's because you know I won't go to the doctor if I fall, but I choose to think it's all for love.
*allowing me to make most of the house design and decor decisions.  I really didn't want a Foosball table in our living room.
*taking part in helping with the bigger house projects.  You are an expert edger.
*loving our animals almost as much as I do (you're getting there).  I might be most proud of you about that.
*taking charge in times of crisis.  I am fully aware I lose my mind and it's comforting to know you never lose yours.
*learning to give up "dancing" and embrace "not dancing"'ll know what I mean.  You're still a better dancer than me though!
*never forgetting an anniversary, birthday or any special occasion... and always marking it in a special way with a thoughtful card and the perfect gift.  I will never be as good as you in this department...but I keep trying!
*being very generous to others...sometimes to a fault.  I love that you love to help others (just stop short of being a "doormat")....but rest assured I can always whip out "crazy" to finish a job when things aren't getting done your way.
*grocery shopping by yourself on early weekend mornings.  Just stop calling me at 8am from the store aisle! 
*reheating and bringing me my Dunkaccino that I forgot to drink two hours ago.

Love Ya!