Friday, February 8, 2013

ME Time and a Birthday

With barely a coating of snow on the ground, at 6:00am this morning the phone rang, with the joyous sound of a robotic voice telling me I had a SNOW DAY coming through the lines to my groggy ears.  This was a lovely start to my weekend.  Actually, last night was a lovely start to my weekend.  My friends and I had our monthly girls night and also had a birthday celebration for one of us.  Happy Birthday, Becky!  We had a delicious meal and always lots of laughs.  Now, while I type this tonight, the snow is flying and the ground is covered, and today was all about reconnecting to me :) Jamie was off to work and it was just the dogs and me!  Some of the things I accomplished (and still plan to accomplish), or maybe didn't accomplish (depending how you look at it) are:

* Getting back to sleep after Jamie left for work and staying asleep until 11:00am.
* Waking up at 11:00am but staying in bed watching TV until almost noon.
* Not showering or even getting out of my pajamas until 5:00pm, and even then only switching to sweats.
* Heading out (with a jacket over my pajamas) to drive through McDonald's for a Mocha Frappe.
* Playing around on the internet much of the day.
* Catching up with my DVR and watching The View and Days of Our Lives.
* Having Jamie bring home a pizza from Leonzo's.
* NOT wearing make up today.
* Watching this week's episode of the new Dallas in our new TV room (that show is so so good).
* Sipping a glass of wine.

Just maybe I will be ready for Monday.  Enjoy the snow, Friends! 

Happy Birthday!

"There is nothing as wonderful as being friends" ~Unknown


  1. Glad you had a great day, I love Dallas also :)

  2. Dallas wow that is a blast from the past. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. There's really nothing like a good snow day, and yours was it!! I hope today is just as enjoyable!! Take care!!
