Friday, February 1, 2013

Thank You For The Love

It's officially the month of love!  There is no better time to think about all the reasons I am thankful for Jamie.  I know we are very lucky to have the relationship that we have....and since I am heading into my late 30's this month, Jamie should be properly thanked now, because the next few years are likely to be rough on him!  My random ten...

Jamie, thank you for:

*warming up and moving my car closer to the door on icy winter mornings so I won't slip in the driveway.  Maybe it's because you know I won't go to the doctor if I fall, but I choose to think it's all for love.
*allowing me to make most of the house design and decor decisions.  I really didn't want a Foosball table in our living room.
*taking part in helping with the bigger house projects.  You are an expert edger.
*loving our animals almost as much as I do (you're getting there).  I might be most proud of you about that.
*taking charge in times of crisis.  I am fully aware I lose my mind and it's comforting to know you never lose yours.
*learning to give up "dancing" and embrace "not dancing"'ll know what I mean.  You're still a better dancer than me though!
*never forgetting an anniversary, birthday or any special occasion... and always marking it in a special way with a thoughtful card and the perfect gift.  I will never be as good as you in this department...but I keep trying!
*being very generous to others...sometimes to a fault.  I love that you love to help others (just stop short of being a "doormat")....but rest assured I can always whip out "crazy" to finish a job when things aren't getting done your way.
*grocery shopping by yourself on early weekend mornings.  Just stop calling me at 8am from the store aisle! 
*reheating and bringing me my Dunkaccino that I forgot to drink two hours ago.

Love Ya!


  1. How sweet. Lovely post. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Awww . . . so sweet!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. He is lucky also :)
