Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another Birthday: Becky

When I started this blog I knew right off the bat that I wanted to somehow feature my friends through the year.  What better time to do that than on their birthdays?!  Funny thing is, three of them, including my own, are in February.  I guess all the GREATS are born in February!  :)  Anyway back to Becky.  I have known Becky for 27 years.  We joke about when we first met in 6th grade at Estee when we were both taken from the "average" group and placed into the "above average" group (that sounds so awful being a teacher now).  Being two new kids in a new set of classes, I guess we needed to stick together.  Through the rest of middle school and high school we remained friends and added several more close friends as the years went on.  Other than the years of growing closer to other friends and the bitter competitiveness of loving the New Kids on the Block (yes, we were very cool), we stayed friends through it all.  High school years brought lots of time spent in Johnstown, our parents' cars racking up lots of miles (loved the Dynasty best), working hours at Ponderosa, Obsessions and midnight trips to Kmart.  When college approached, low and behold, we both loved Plattsburgh!  We were sure to be roommates all four years.  I know, I know, we sound like we had no other friends, but we did, really!  All four years we lived in a suite setting so we actually had 6 other suite-mates.   The first year we became fast, close friends with one of our suite-mates, Cristina.  The three of us were inseparable that first year, and remained close for years to come.  College years came and went and we both settled into our "adult" lives once we graduated.  Becky is now teaching and married with an adorable little 2 1/2 year old and living a country life.  We have been through it all together...deaths, births, firsts of all kinds.  She was my maid of honor in my wedding I was a bridesmaid in hers.  We no longer take our midnight trips to Kmart together, but  she's still like the sister I never had.  Even approaching 40, I think we still act like those two 11 year olds that met back in 6th grade.  Happy Belated Birthday Becky!  So happy you will always get to our new age 2 weeks before me!  ;)

Real friends don't have to speak or see each other daily to remain in each others heart always ~Unknown  

1 comment:

  1. A big Happy Birthday to Becky. Wonderful to be still friends after all this time. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly
